Born in Seville in 1940. His father was a painter and he started very early in the technique of drawing and love for art. At thirteen he enrolled at the School of Art and Craft of Seville.
He completed three years and won first prize for the title. He entered the Santa Isabel de Sevilla College, Seville in 1960. He travelled to France in 1962 where he ended his Art career and he now specializes in engraving, in the city of Lorient. In 1968 he was appointed professor at the school and creates a workshop of lithography, photography and drawing. From 1973 he has specialised in portraits and has had commissions from France, Spain, England and Belgium. He has exhibited in Paris Galleria Hispalis Madrid Galería Bética y Helle Seville Sorolla Art Gallery and in England where many of his works are. His works are included in the most important collections of Spanish and French realism. He divides his painting activity between Paris and Seville.