He is born in Alcoy in 1944.
He studies in the SCHOOL FINE ARTS of Alcoy, where he specializes in the techniques of the oil, walercclor and pastry, being his favorite lopics, belween another, the bullfighting and the woman, with regard to which he has Created and one world of fantasy and beauty, evoking tender nostalgias of a lost !ove.
His palette has a rich chromatic that reveals his leaming and admiration for the school “valenciana” of the XIX. So then, his squares allow make out the "sorollismo" of a blinding light on the fisher woman that wails for broken- hearted, or the sickness marbled of a beautilul nude in clear reminis cense of the Pinozo teacher.
His work meets allotted in particular collections in Portugal, France, Switzerland, Auslria, England and EE.UU.